The ethical guidelines for the Institute are based on the belief that sexual rights are human rights. 高級性學研究院的倫理學原則,是基於“性權利”乃“基本人權”的信念。
1. The freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire. 享有任何有關性的思想、幻想或欲望的自由。
2. The right to sexual entertainment, freely available in the marketplace, including sexually explicit materials dealing with the full range of sexual behavior. 享有得到性娛樂的權利,可在市場上自由地得到包括直接顯示性行爲全部情節的性商品物資。
3. The right not to be exposed to sexual material or behavior. .享有免於看到性商品或性行爲的權利。
4. The right to sexual self-determination. 享有性自決權。 5. The right to seek out and engage in consensual sexual ctivity. 享有尋求並參與相互同意的性活動的權利。
6. The right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud. 享有進行不論什麽類型的性行爲或性活動的權利,只要這些性行爲或性活動不包含非相互同意的行動,沒有暴力強迫、沒有強制約束、沒有淩虐、沒有欺詐。
7. The right to be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior. 享有私人性行爲不受迫害、責難、岐視和社會干擾的權利。
8. The recognition by society that every person, partnered or unpartnered, has the right to the pursuit of a satisfying consensual sociosexual life free from political, legal or religious interference and that there need to be mechanisms in society where the opportunities of sociosexual activities are available to the following: disabled persons; chronically ill persons; those incarcerated in prisons, hospitals or institutions; those disadvantaged because of age, lack of physical attractiveness, or lack of social skills; the poor and the lonely. 社會應確認:每一個人,不論是有配偶的或是無配偶的,都有權利追求滿意的、相互同意的社交-性生活,不受政治、法律或宗教的干預;並且,社會應有一定的安排,使下列各種人均有得到社交-性生活的機會:殘疾人、慢性病患者、處於監禁中的囚犯、住在醫院等設施中的病人、因年紀而在性生活中處於不利地位的人、缺乏身體吸引力的人、缺乏社會技能的人、窮人、孤獨的人。
9. The basic right of all persons who are sexually dysfunctional to have available nonjudgmental sexual health care. 所有性功能有障礙的人,都有得到不受指責的性保健的基本權利。
10. The right to control conception。 享有控制生育的權利.